Cushion Max Anti-Fatigue

Cushion Max Anti-Fatigue #1Cushion Max Anti-Fatigue #2Cushion Max Anti-Fatigue #3Cushion Max Anti-Fatigue #4
Product ID IMSCM
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Made in the USAAnti-Slip

5/8" thick with superior anti-microbial, anti-fatigue mat constructed of 100% Nitrile/PVC closed-cell cushion to provide outstanding anti-fatigue properties for employee comfort and ergonomic benefits. The Cushion Max features a diamond patterned surface that is more than twice as durable as traditional PVC foam mats. The pattern also helps to reduce slip and fall accidents while beveled borders make for a safe transition from floor to mat. Tapered borders allow a safe transition to minimize trip and fall exposure. Cushion Max offers a cost effective alternative to traditional PVC foam mats. Production time: 3 to 5 business day.

Size Disclaimer: Please be advised that mat sizes are not exact measurement. Please allow a 3% - 5% variance in all finished mat sizes (tend to shrink) due to materials and manufacturing processes.

Thickness "Dimensions 'Mat ColorPrice/ea.Weight (Lbs)
5/8"2' x 3'Black$33.753.3
5/8"2' x 4'Black$50.104.4
5/8"2' x 5'Black$62.605.5
5/8"2' x 6'Black$75.126.6
5/8"3' x 4'Black$71.565.7
5/8"3' x 5'Black$84.377.8
5/8"3' x 6'Black$107.349.9
5/8"3' x 8'Black$143.1213.2
5/8"3' x 10'Black$178.9014.4
5/8"3' x 12'Black$202.4617.4
5/8"4' x 6'Black$134.9711.9
5/8"4' x 8'Black$196.6415.7
5/8"4' x 10'Black$245.8019.6
5/8"4' x 12'Black$294.9623.5
5/8"2' x 45' RollBlack$563.4065
5/8"3' x 45' RollBlack$805.0575.6
5/8"4' x 45' RollBlack$1106.1090



Custom Sizes and Runners Available - Up to 45' in length in 2', 3' and 4' widths. For pricing and ordering information email or call us.


1. Constructed of 100% Nitrile/PVC closed cell foam to provide superior anti-fatigue properties for employee comfort and ergonomic benefits.
2. Tapered borders allow for a safe transition to minimize trip and fall exposure.
3. Cost effective alternative to traditional PVC foam mats.
4. Ozone Resistant.
5. Recommended for use in warehouses, picking lines, assembly lines, work stations, check out stations, labs or other wet or dry environments.


Rubber Type: Nitrile /PVC Closed Cell Foam
Thickness: 5/8"
Available Colors: Charcoal
Density: ASTM D-1056- 6.5 to 8.5 lbs./cubic ft.
Testing: Passes Flammability Standard DOC-FF-1-70 Tabor Abrasion- ASTM-D3884-01: Weight less than .9% Water Absorption: ASTM D- 1667- 0.1 lb/sq ft Max Temperature: ASTM D-1056- Cold Crack, -20 degrees F High Temp- 200 degrees Intermittent exposure Flammability: FMVSS302- 0 burn rate, pass Oil Resistance: Low Swell Coefficient Of Friction: ASTM C 1028-96, Dry- .69

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